Episode 6

Published on:

12th Jan 2022

After The Cross & Early Acts

In this bible study we try to answer this question:

"Was our gospel preached immediately after the cross and during the early events in the book of Acts?"

If it was, then per Mark 16 and Acts 2, water Baptism is required for the remission of sins.

If it was, then per Mark 16 an d early Acts, there are signs (speaking in tongues, healing the sick, not being harmed by snakes, not being poisoned, etc) that follow those that believe.

If it was, then the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to set up the literal, Earthly Kingdom is about to happen, per Joel and Acts 2. So why do we even bother with our earthly possessions? Let's just sell everything and give them to the Apostles.

If it was, then you have yet to receive forgiveness of sins (Acts 3)!

Right Division is really important Bible Study!

Praise God we have forgiveness of sins now! We do not have to work for our Salvation. All we have to do is believe the Gospel given by the Apostle Paul!

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About the Podcast

The Workman Unashamed Podcast
King James Bible, Right Division, Mid-Acts, Pauline
A bible study podcast about Right Division, the King James Bible, the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery, Pauline doctrines and the Dispensation of Grace.