Episode 8

Published on:

11th Feb 2022

The Timeline of Forgiveness of Sins in the Dispensation of Grace

There are exactly four pauline verses that uses the term "forgiveness of sins." All of them implies that forgiveness of sins is received upon one's belief in the gospel and not at the cross of calvary. That Christ died for our sins at the cross, there is no question. countless of verses prove that fact. Is His death, however, equal to forgiveness? Is there any verse that says that? Is there any verse that expressly says that forgiveness happened at the cross? Does this mean that even the unsaved have received forgiveness of sins?

In this study, we tackle these questions and look at the problem of this teaching, the timeline of forgiveness of sins in our dispensation, and the significance of this study.

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About the Podcast

The Workman Unashamed Podcast
King James Bible, Right Division, Mid-Acts, Pauline
A bible study podcast about Right Division, the King James Bible, the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery, Pauline doctrines and the Dispensation of Grace.